Alma Papić
National conference on investments in sport 25 February 2020 Luxembourg, Luxembourg
National conference on investments in sport 6 December 2019 London, UK
2nd Meeting of the Steering Committee 25 February 2020 Luxembourg, Luxembourg
European conference on investments in sport
Policy formulation and evidence-based investments in sport
European conference on investments in sport was organised online on 20 December 2021. Initially planned to take place in-person at the Croatian Chamber of Economy in Zagreb, Croatia, the COVID-19 restrictions that were imposed a week before the conference caused a last-minute change to the online format, which affected the initially planned length, number of speakers and the amount of content to be presented at the conference.
The conference was co-organised by the Croatian Olympic Committee, and the Croatian Chamber of Economy. Alma Papić was the conference moderator.
Welcome addresses were given by the President of the Croatian Chamber of Economy Luka Burilović, President of the Croatian Olympic Committee Zlatko Mateša, and Minister of Tourism and Sport Nikolina Brnjac. In the last part of the conference, Members of the European Parliament Tomislav Sokol and Željana Zovko informed participants about the European perspective of the investments in sport infrastructure in the EU programming period 2021-2027.
Members of the iSport team Anna Kleissner, Guenther Grohall, and Themis Kokolakakis presented the Study on the economic impact of an investment in sport, Guidelines on investments in sport, and Investment Calculator that was made freely available online at the project website.
Participants were invited to use the publicly available intellectual outputs that were created by the iSport team: Anna Kleissner, Guenther Grohall, Themis Kokolakakis, Darko Vrančić, Krunoslav Zauder, Jelena Paušić, Vassos Kotsioundas, Vilma Čingiene, Kristina Kalašinskaite, Richar Anner, Rita Nunes, Fernando Tenreiro, Robbie Millar, and Alma Papić.
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Conference on investments in sport
High-level speakers expressing their support to investments in sport
Croatian conference on investments in sport was held on 30 November 2020 at the Croatian Chamber of Economy in Zagreb. The conference was co-organised by the Croatian Olympic Committee, and the Croatian Chamber of Economy. It was held under the patronage of the following Croatian institutions: Ministry of Regional Development and European Union Funds, Ministry of Tourism and Sport, Ministry of Finance. Welcome addresses were held by the President of the Croatian Chamber of Economy Luka Burilović, President of the Croatian Olympic Committee Zlatko Mateša, Minister of Tourism and Sport Nikolina Brnjac, Minister of Finance Zdravko Marić, and Member of the International Olympic Committee Kolinda Grabar Kitarović.
On the topic of a Smarter Europe through Sport, Member of the European Parliament Tomislav Sokol participated live through a video link, Member of the European Parliament Sunčana Glavak was present at the venue and gave her speech in the presence of participants in the conference room. A special address (video recording) was given by the Vice President of the European Commission for Democracy and Demography Dubravka Šuica. Following the high-level speakers, Alma Papić presented the objectives of the iSport project. Anna Kleissner, Guenther Grohall, and Themis Kokolakakis participated live through a video link, and they presented the Study on the economic impact of an investment in sport, and Guidelines on investments in sport.
Tomislav Globan presented the Sport Satellite Account Croatia. The conference ended with the conclusions presented by the President of the Croatian Chamber of Economy who reflected positively on the outputs of the iSport project and invited the policy makers to give their support for more investments in sport. At the conference, the European conference on investments in sport was announced and participants invited.
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Invitation to the 7th conference on investments in sport
Hrvatska gospodarska komora organizira konferenciju o investicijama u sport koja će se održati u ponedjeljak, 30. studenoga, u 10 sati, na adresi Rooseveltov trg 2, i na kojoj će se predstaviti rezultati satelitskog računa sporta i studije o investicijama u sport.
Sudionicima će se uvodno obratiti predsjednik Hrvatske gospodarske komore Luka Burilović, predsjednik Hrvatskog olimpijskog odbora Zlatko Mateša, ministrica turizma i sporta Nikolina Brnjac, ministar financija Zdravko Marić i članica Međunarodnog olimpijskog odbora Kolinda Grabar Kitarović
Više pokazatelja upućuje na to da je sport s ostatkom gospodarstva povezan jače od prosječnoga sektora. To znači da investiranje u sport stvara više bruto dodane vrijednosti i zaposlenosti unutar opskrbnih mreža nego investiranje u prosječni sektor gospodarstva.
Upravo je satelitski račun alat kojim se procjenjuje ekonomski značaj sporta pomoću inputoutput tablica. Koliki je ekonomski značaj sporta za Hrvatsku, koliko pridonosi bruto dodanoj vrijednosti, koliko ljudi zapošljava… samo su neka od pitanja na koja će konferencija pokušati dati odgovore, a posebna pozornost posvećena je tome da panelisti budu osobe čiji su znanje i reputacija javno prepoznati.
Konferencija se održava pod pokroviteljstvom Ministarstva regionalnog razvoja i fondova Europske unije, Ministarstva turizam i sporta te Ministarstva financija.
Konferenciju će biti moguće pratiti online na poveznici sa lozinkom: 514578
Program konferencije možete pogledati na poveznici.
Izvor: Stranice HGK.
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Economic impact of COVID-19 on sport
This is your chance to help the European Commission and join with many other similar organisations in telling us your views on approaches that will help the sport sector deal with the economic impact of COVID-19.
More at:
Position paper on the impact of COVID-19 crisis on sport
More than 30 sport and sport-related associations, including a number of associations on a national level, have agreed on a common position paper entitled „Position paper on the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the sport sector”.
In the introduction of the position paper the importance of sport for the economy of the European Union was highlighted (the share of sport in the EU GDP is 279,7 billion euro or 2,12% of the EU GDP) given that the sport sector generates every 47th euro and creates every 37th job in the EU. The rest of the document presents the facts on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the sport system and explains the segments and stakeholders that are impacted the most by the current crisis. An action plan to fight the crisis is suggested i.e. the measures to support the sport sector (protection of jobs, tax breaks, loans for clubs to ensure liquidity, stimulation of innovative programmes, establishment of the private and public solidarity fund, creating new funding opportunities on a national level and from the EU funds, etc).
As a member of the European Commission’s SHARE initiative, the Croatian Olympic Committee had a very active role in the initiative. Other signatories are associations such as the European Olympic Committees (EOC) and dozens of other National Olympic Committees, e.g. German, Italian, Belgian, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Portuguese, Czech, Luxembourgish, etc.
In addition, a number of continental sport associations have signed the document, e.g. football (UEFA), basketball (FIBA Europe), handball (EHF), volleyball (CEV), rugby (RUGBY Europe), as well as National Federations such as the German Football Federation (DFB).
For a sustainable public and private sport sector in the Old Continent it is crucial to provide help and support in the context of the European instrument entitled “Support to mitigate Unemployment Risks in an Emergency” (SURE) and other initiatives at national and European level, especially those that are linked directly to the measures mitigating the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Original document: Position paper on the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the sport sector
Croatian version: Stajalište o utjecaju krize COVID-19 na sportski sektor
Conference on investments in sport
Guidelines on investments in sport presented in Cyprus
Cypriot conference on investments in sport was held on 12 March 2020 at the premises of the Cyprus Sport Organisation in Nicosia.
Conference was moderated by Vassos Kontsioundas. Alma Papić presented the objectives of the iSport project and used that opportunity to call upon the stakeholders in Cyprus to engage into strategic planning and the production of operational programmes in their country. Guenther Grohall presented the research methodology, and the Study of the economic impact of an investment in sport. Study found that the values related to sport investments in Cyprus are surprisingly high for a small, open economy. Draft version of the Guidelines on investments in sport were presented by Guenther Grohall and Themis Kokolakakis. Presentations ended with a demonstration of the investment calculator by Guenther Grohall.
Vassos Kontsioundas moderated the discussion with participants who agreed that Cyprus needs investments in sport infrastructure, and that empirical data can be helpful in the decision-making processes related to the construction of sport facilities. They also found the investment calculator to be a good tool that can be used in practice. Participants though that Cyprus would benefit from EU funding for sport infrastructure, and they found the study to be helpful in the process of negotiations.
In conclusion, empirical data and evidence-based investments in sport are needed in Cyprus.
The next conference on investments in sport will be held in Zagreb, Croatia.
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.