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Conference on investments in sport

Guidelines on investments in sport presented in Cyprus

Cypriot conference on investments in sport was held on 12 March 2020 at the premises of the Cyprus Sport Organisation in Nicosia.

Conference was moderated by Vassos Kontsioundas. Alma Papić presented the objectives of the iSport project and used that opportunity to call upon the stakeholders in Cyprus to engage into strategic planning and the production of operational programmes in their country. Guenther Grohall presented the research methodology, and the Study of the economic impact of an investment in sport. Study found that the values related to sport investments in Cyprus are surprisingly high for a small, open economy. Draft version of the Guidelines on investments in sport were presented by Guenther Grohall and Themis Kokolakakis. Presentations ended with a demonstration of the investment calculator by Guenther Grohall.

Vassos Kontsioundas moderated the discussion with participants who agreed that Cyprus needs investments in sport infrastructure, and that empirical data can be helpful in the decision-making processes related to the construction of sport facilities. They also found the investment calculator to be a good tool that can be used in practice. Participants though that Cyprus would benefit from EU funding for sport infrastructure, and they found the study to be helpful in the process of negotiations.

In conclusion, empirical data and evidence-based investments in sport are needed in Cyprus.

The next conference on investments in sport will be held in Zagreb, Croatia.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Alma PapićConference on investments in sport