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Reviewing the Guidelines on investments in sport

Finalising the Study on the economic impact of an investment in sport

Members of the iSport team participated in the iSport team meeting organised by the National Olympic Committee of Portugal on 17 December 2018 in Lisbon, Portugal.

The lead researcher Guenther Grohall presented the first results of the research, i.e. the Study on the economic impact of an investment in sport. Since this study is the basis for the development of the Guidelines on investments in sport, that was the second topic of the day. Based on the main results of research, the Lead Researcher presented the first draft of the Guidelines on investments in sport.

Following the team meeting, working papers and presentations were distributed to the members of the iSport team for further review and analysis.

The presentation of the Study on the economic impact of an investment in sport, and of the draft Guidelines on investments in sport will be held at national conferences organised by partner organisations in the iSport project. The first national conference will be organised by SportsEconAustria Institute for Sport Economy in cooperation with the national ministry of sport. One of the conclusions of the team meeting in Lisbon was to organise the Vienna conference on 5 March 2019. By that time, draft study and guidelines will be improved with the assistance of all partner organisations and member of the iSport team.

The next activity of the iSport project is the national conference on investments in sport, which will be held on 5 march 2019 in Vienna, Austria.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Alma PapićReviewing the Guidelines on investments in sport