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Conference on investments in sport

Lithuanian stakeholders discussed the guidelines on investments in sport

Lithuanian conference on investments in sport was held on 16 September 2019 at the premises of the Mykolas Romeris University in Vilnius. Vilma Čingiene moderated the conference.

Objectives of the iSport project were presented by Alma Papić. Guidelines on research methodology were presented by Anna Klessner and Guenther Grohall who also presented the Study of the economic impact of an investment in sport. Guideline on investments in sport – as the central topic of the conference – were presented jointly by Anna Kleissner, Guenther Grohall, and Themis Kokolakakis.

Following the presentations, Vilma Čingiene moderated the discussion with participants who gave their views on presented empirical results. In Lithuania, demographic problems have an effect on sport infrastructure and it should be taken into consideration in the development of the final guidelines. Participants raised a number of issues in relation to investments in sport infrastructure by municipalities, which will be taken included in the guidelines.

Conference ended with conclusion, e.g. there is a widespread understanding of the benefits of investing in sport infrastructure but there is a lack of specific knowledge of the direct and general benefits, and of socio-economic impacts, which can be assessed, analysed, and forecasted. More data-driven decisions should be the basis for avoiding irrationality and conflict of interest.

The next conference on investments in sport will be held in London, UK.

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Alma PapićConference on investments in sport