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About the iSport project

Increasing the quality of policymaking about investments in sport in the EU

The iSport project aims to contribute to the overall goals of the Europe 2020 Strategy by promoting the principles of good governance in policy formulation on all levels – in local and regional communities, on a national and an EU level – in order to increase the quality of policies and to promote making of decisions about investments in sport based on the evidence of the potential of sport to tackle societal and economic challenges which requires a better understanding of the role of sport as a driver for economic growth and employment.

During the three-year implementation period 2018-2020, the consortium of ten organisations based in EU Member States (Croatia, Austria, Cyprus, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Portugal and UK) is going to work together on a collection, analysis and promotion of data that can contribute to policy formulation. Through cross-sectoral cooperation between academics, researchers, the sport movement and public authorities, the consortium is going to develop the guidelines on investments in sport and recommendations to policymakers in order to improve the level of knowledge on investments in sport. The aim is to promote a wider understanding of the crucial role of sport as a driver for growth and employment in the context of national and regional policymaking as well as of the Europe 2020 Strategy. To that aim, key stakeholders on national levels in participating countries will be involved in a number of activities designed specifically for those who are formulating policies on all levels of governments and in all sectors.

The dialogue on policy formulation will be opened at national conferences. Representatives of the public sector in the EU Member States will be invited to take part in a discussion about the guidelines on investments in sport. Their input will contribute to the development of the recommendations to policymakers. Planned dates of the national conferences are:

Austria, 05/03/2019

Croatia, 07/05/2019

Portugal, 02/07/2019

Lithuania, 03/09/2019

UK, 05/11/2019

Luxembourg, 28/01/2020

Cyprus, 10/03/2020

Planned date of the final conference is 02/06/2020.

The first activity that will take place is the kick-off meeting of the members of the iSport team, scheduled for mid-February.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Alma PapićAbout the iSport project